Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yellow seems to be the word out on the street

In the words of Keenu Reeves...Whoa!

I had another astral experience today and it was weird...let me explain. I spent about 2hrs trying to astral project with no luck, except for a really nice nap. When I awoke and was about to get out of bed, I got immediately shoved back into bed and felt like someone was ripping me out of my was like I exploded out. My astral body wasn't taking no for an answer - it was going exploring and I was coming w/ it (like it or not). I even opened my eyes while I was still in bed and could see the leg of my real body laying down, even thou my astral self was sitting up. When I first exploded - I felt like I needed to laugh like a deranged demon (which, I did) and my first thought was something evil was ripping me out of my body. I crawled off my bed, which was really difficult b/c technically my real body was still awake (you aren't supposed to be able to astral while awake - but here I was ass trolling). I started down my hallway when I passed my guest bedroom - I noticed that the bedroom was different and felt that I had to go in there. The guest bedroom was decorated with just a giant bed that filled up almost the whole room (it was big, tall and soft), the pillows were maroon, the bottom sheet blue and the upper sheet yellow. In the corner of the room a tripod was set up with a video camera on it - facing the bed (kinky!). When I entered the room the first thing I noticed was the yellow sheets and then I got a feeling that Azi (guardian angel) did this and I was supposed to meet him/her. I called out "Azi are you there" a few times and then I was back in my physical body.

The End

What do ya'll make of that? It is a bit weird having a video camera facing a bed, nothing decent comes out of that (que the porn music). And what is with the yellow color and the demon laughing and being ripped out. Crazy!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Astral Time

Well...well...well...its about damn time! I finally astral projected again (instead of falling asleep as usual).

I believe this trip into the astral was full of symbols but, what they might mean...I have no clue. Perhaps you will.

It started off with me leaving my body - I was immediately able to open my eyes before I got out of bed, usually I can't open my eyes until I am in the hallway. Hmmmm...progress? I walked down the hallway, into the kitchen and out thru the back door (also interesting to note - everything was very clear and easy , usually I feel bogged down when traveling in the astral). Once on the back porch I didn't know what to do with myself. I asked the universe where my guardian angel was or spirit guide. I didn't get a response but, my cat Mr. Pickles showed up and a Monarch butterfly. Then in the corner of my backyard was a HUGE gnarly Oak tree at the root of the tree was a silk yellow lacey slip. I knew that I was supposed to put it on. I took off my nightie (so, that I could put on the other nightie) and was pleased with myself b/c I was able to take off my clothes in broad daylight and not worry about fat and cellulite! Why? you ask...b/c this is the astral world and you can make your body awesome looking...which I did : ) Anyway, I was posing in front of my back door (it has glass doors) checking out the body I made for myself...when I got pushed back into my body (I did notice that entering my body was more pleasant than usual). I never got to put on my pretty slip.

So, what does all that mean? Is Mr. Pickles my spirit guide? Does the butterfly mean transformation and if so, does that mean that my guardian angel sent that message to me to let me know that it is going thru a transformation before it can visit me? or that I am going thru a transformation? What does the slip mean (since I was changing out of a ugly nightie to a pretty nightie)? Also, my garden was not present in my backyard.

Questions! Questions!

Monday, June 15, 2009


Hey trusty followers - I wanted to post the two inspiration quotes I received in my email last week. I received these two emails after I was feeling doomy and gloomy.

The first one is from Mike Dooley (Thoughts become things - Notes from the Universe):
it's supposed to be easy. Everything is supposed to be easy. Everything is easy. You live in a dream world. You're surrounded by illusions. And the illusions change when you change your thinking!

Tell yourself it's easy. Tell yourself often. Make it a mantra. Eat, sleep, and breathe it. And your life shall be transformed.

It's supposed to be easy,
The Universe

The second one is from Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations w/ God):

On this day of your life, Marta, I believe God wants you to know...

...that the greatest enemy of individual freedom is the

individual himself.

Saul Alinsky said that, and he was right. In almost every

case, nothing is stopping you, nothing is holding you back

but your own thoughts about yourself and about "how life is."

Your personal freedom to experience yourself and life

as you wish is not being limited. Step into your choices

and stop telling yourself that you can't, when what you

really mean is that you don't want other people to feel the

way you think that are going to feel when they see you making

the choices you really want to make. Got it?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Doom & Gloom

Today I am filled with Doom and Gloom...I'm starting to think there is no guardian angels out there and Laws of Attraction sucks monkey balls. Nothing has happened!

I received this is in email the other day (from Mike Dooley):
The baby steps in the beginning of a journey, Marta, always seem inadequate compared to the brilliance of the dream that inspired them. This is natural. If the dream wasn't so far "out there" and dazzling, it wouldn't be worth dreaming! Just don't be led to think that the physical ground you cover with your baby steps is all that they accomplish. Because for every mortal step you take, another cog in a giant wheel behind the curtains of time and space advances, and with it, 10,000 new possibilities.

Better than Star Trek,
The Universe

I thought that was a good sign but, I still feel doomy and gloomy!

This is how I wish my blog went today:

Hey Folks! I did it! I conjured up my angel of awesome! I was innocently sleeping and dreaming of Irish Lords and Selkies when, I was gently tapped on my shoulder. I torn off my fetching sleeping mask to see who was in my bedroom when, I saw leaning casually against my dresser my angel of awesome! He looked at me and said, " Good morning, my sleeping beauty, you wanted to talk to me". Then he said, " My name is Azi and I am at your service" and did a little bow.

That is how it would have all begin and my life would have been changed forever. But, NOOOOOO...instead, nothing happened and I am feeling slumpy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Well, it has been a week of angel manifesting and so far...zilch! But, don't let that get you down my faithful troopers...I will still keep to my conjuring ways and pretty soon something will happen.

Last night I was busy cutting out patterns for my sleeping masks when I decided to watch television. Hmmm....what to watch. I usually just watch a Law & Order episode but, not tonight. I was in the mood for something else. I flipped thru my tv guide and came across Wayne Dyer on Public Access (perhaps it is a sign, I thought). I flipped over to it and the show was already over and now they were doing their public access donation plead. Ugh! I thought surely I wouldn't get anything out of that but, then Wayne Dyer came on to anwser some questions. I stuck around to listen. He kept mentioning "I choose" as an affirmation. I let that settle in for the night and this morning I have about a billion Psych-K statements that I am going to use " I choose". So, Yes I do believe that I was meant to listen to that and get exactly what I got. Perhaps my angel is sending me information that will help me manifest it : )