Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Astral Time

Well...well...well...its about damn time! I finally astral projected again (instead of falling asleep as usual).

I believe this trip into the astral was full of symbols but, what they might mean...I have no clue. Perhaps you will.

It started off with me leaving my body - I was immediately able to open my eyes before I got out of bed, usually I can't open my eyes until I am in the hallway. Hmmmm...progress? I walked down the hallway, into the kitchen and out thru the back door (also interesting to note - everything was very clear and easy , usually I feel bogged down when traveling in the astral). Once on the back porch I didn't know what to do with myself. I asked the universe where my guardian angel was or spirit guide. I didn't get a response but, my cat Mr. Pickles showed up and a Monarch butterfly. Then in the corner of my backyard was a HUGE gnarly Oak tree at the root of the tree was a silk yellow lacey slip. I knew that I was supposed to put it on. I took off my nightie (so, that I could put on the other nightie) and was pleased with myself b/c I was able to take off my clothes in broad daylight and not worry about fat and cellulite! Why? you ask...b/c this is the astral world and you can make your body awesome looking...which I did : ) Anyway, I was posing in front of my back door (it has glass doors) checking out the body I made for myself...when I got pushed back into my body (I did notice that entering my body was more pleasant than usual). I never got to put on my pretty slip.

So, what does all that mean? Is Mr. Pickles my spirit guide? Does the butterfly mean transformation and if so, does that mean that my guardian angel sent that message to me to let me know that it is going thru a transformation before it can visit me? or that I am going thru a transformation? What does the slip mean (since I was changing out of a ugly nightie to a pretty nightie)? Also, my garden was not present in my backyard.

Questions! Questions!

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...that is indeed exciting. The butterfly and slip are common symbols of transformation...but wonder if one could look a bit deeper for other symbols. The colors,for instance. Huge gnarly oaks...positivly primeavel. Kitties,too. How about when you were all of a sudden so concerned about how you looked,is when you went back into your body? Will think on this one.
