Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yellow seems to be the word out on the street

In the words of Keenu Reeves...Whoa!

I had another astral experience today and it was weird...let me explain. I spent about 2hrs trying to astral project with no luck, except for a really nice nap. When I awoke and was about to get out of bed, I got immediately shoved back into bed and felt like someone was ripping me out of my was like I exploded out. My astral body wasn't taking no for an answer - it was going exploring and I was coming w/ it (like it or not). I even opened my eyes while I was still in bed and could see the leg of my real body laying down, even thou my astral self was sitting up. When I first exploded - I felt like I needed to laugh like a deranged demon (which, I did) and my first thought was something evil was ripping me out of my body. I crawled off my bed, which was really difficult b/c technically my real body was still awake (you aren't supposed to be able to astral while awake - but here I was ass trolling). I started down my hallway when I passed my guest bedroom - I noticed that the bedroom was different and felt that I had to go in there. The guest bedroom was decorated with just a giant bed that filled up almost the whole room (it was big, tall and soft), the pillows were maroon, the bottom sheet blue and the upper sheet yellow. In the corner of the room a tripod was set up with a video camera on it - facing the bed (kinky!). When I entered the room the first thing I noticed was the yellow sheets and then I got a feeling that Azi (guardian angel) did this and I was supposed to meet him/her. I called out "Azi are you there" a few times and then I was back in my physical body.

The End

What do ya'll make of that? It is a bit weird having a video camera facing a bed, nothing decent comes out of that (que the porn music). And what is with the yellow color and the demon laughing and being ripped out. Crazy!

1 comment:

  1. rather creepy and scary to me...out of my league,for sure...are you still checking out the astral sites u usually go thru?
