Tuesday, May 26, 2009

And so it begins!

I'mmmm baccccckkkk! I've been hard at work at putting together my game plan and already I am pissing somebody or something off (more on that later).

This is my game plan so far:
I started out with implementing Psych-K statements (4 in total) in regards to my guardian angel
2x a day (5mins) visualize
Read & meditate on Mike Dooley daily notes
Read & meditate on Neale Donald Walsh daily notes
Act as if it I could see my guardian angel at my side
Try and astral project daily
Be clear that nothing you seek is real

Make sense? Do you think I should add anything else.

Alright, this is the part where I might have pissed something off. I was innocently trying to astral project when, my boby finally started to separate. I was having a harder time than usual...I had my arms out but, my head and body would only come half way out (I was stuck in a half sit up position). When I was finally able to get out of bed some, dark green tentacle/rope like thing grabbed my neck (strangling me) and started to pull me back into bed. WTF? I yelled at it to Release me and it did! Tooners = 1; Green Tentacle thingy = 0. By that time I used up all my concentration and ended back in my body.

What was that thing? Perhaps me meddling in otherworldly things has brought some unwanted attention.

I will end my posting with an excerpt from Neale Donald Walsh's "Happier Than God" book. I thought it was fitting for the situation.

4. Be clear that nothing you see is real

We live in a world of illusion. You will understand your true relationship with everyting around you when you think of yourself as a magician observing his own tricks. Have the fun that a good magician has, but don't forget for a moment that it is all an illusion. More important, don't forget that it is you who are creating the illusion. Endeavor, therefore, not to get lost in it.

What I am saying here is to stay above the fray by noticing that you are creating your experience of all of it. Exterior circumstances may present themselves in a wide variety of ways, but the way that you respond and react to them is entirely under your control . The moment that you choose your response, and do so freely and in full awareness, is the moment that you recreate yourself anew. This is the power moment. This is the Time of Magic. This is the Intentioned Instant, in which what you choose to become reveals itself in your experienced reality. This is when you decide about yourself, and you see yourself being what you have decided to be, sequentaneously.

1 comment:

  1. Just a little comment on the green thingy...To me this is another instance of not finding the Angel when you project...in fact you had to abort the experience. Cos "he" isn't THERE,but where you are now. Hope you are writing these projections down so you can see them as a whole
