Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Watching & Waiting

So, I have been so perplexed with trying to figure out my symbols that I posted my experiences on an astral projection forum. This is what one of the people had to say:

Some of the things you mention do indeed sound very symbolic, especially the part with the new set of clothes. I am not that good at symbolic interpitations, and would not want to detail too much in relations to symbols of others experiences. But if it will be of any help, I guess a couple of things might not be harm in being said.

I assume the yellow split clothing was nicer than what you were wearing at that time? This "could" then relate to an improvement of some kind, an internal improvement for the better, perhaps your energies are improving a bit, or some other form of improvement. The clothes are something you wear, to change clothes for something better is wear and be in something nicer.

In relation to the bedroom and the video, I am only guessing now, but only thing I can really think of is a message of "I am watching". In the sense that you have been wanting to meet with the guide for some time, and perhaps start to feel that he is not there and ignoring you, an as such giving a message of "I am here, I am watching".

These are only personal impressions, and it is important you do not take these as truths, but rather perhaps something to go on, to help with your own interpitation. It can also be good to keep in mind, that symbols are often a bit personal, as they can contain deeper aspects that relate to you and your own individual situation, might therefor want to be cautious as to what you share in relations to symbolisms. It might also be good to keep in mind, there is always possibility these things were not symbolic, though they do sound like it.

As for all the calls to your guide without him/her chosing to show up. This is really a very common thing. It is not unusual for guides and such to chose to refrain from showing up, due to thinking it is not a good time for such a meeting. It could for instance be, that he/she wants you to get more used to and feel more at home in the astral first, getting some basic understandings and experience before thinking a meeting is suitable.

This does not mean they are not aware of you, or not listening however. You might find later that when you make requests like that, someone is always listening, and always aware of it. It is then up to them weither they chose to go along with the request and show up or weither they think it would be more appropriate at that time to refrain from paying you a visit.

Give it time, try calling for a guide to show up again at a later time when it might be more suiting.

Pretty Cool! I must say. I am inching closer to manifesting my angel...inch by inch I crawl.